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  • Christopher

The First Suit

Trying to decide which suit you should buy and from where can be a fairly hard decision for someone. Theres the big decision of trying to figure out which colour to go with an whether or not to try for an out there pattern. Luckily for you, im here to look out for you and will help you narrow down which decision to make.

Now to make it easy one of the first suits you should be investing should be either Navy or Grey with preferably no pattern. Now for those who wish to show off their personality with crazy patterns or colours I will ask that you slow your role, I will explain the madness behind this idea. With a staple dark navy or grey suit its easier to cross use them, whether it's for business, work function, formal event or a funeral.

The Navy Suit

Without a doubt the navy suit is the in suit at the moment, you can dress it up or dress it down and you also have the ability to wear it with black or brown shoes. A navy suit also allows you to dress as a professional in the workplace and can also make you appear younger. Theres not too much more I can say about the navy suit, so I'll let the picture speak for itself.

The Grey Suit

The grey suit I find often having some challenges, as a lot of the time I find that I argue with myself about how to pair suit, shirt and tie. I know I know, most of you are probably thinking that I'm over thinking it and it's not that hard. I guess the best way with styling a grey or charcoal suit is to follow KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), this can be done by simply sticking to white and blue shirts. As far as ties, stick to prime colours in mostly solids or if you want to get a little crazy you can switch it up with some stripes or polka dots.

Keep in mind these are just my recommendations I've found when wearing grey suits. I want to encourage everyone to try and mix things up and beat the norm. If you've found a style that works great for you, run with it and if you have comment bellow a picture of what you're wearing or alternatively tag us on Instagram so all our follower can get inspired by your outfit.

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