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  • Christopher

Ties. Yes or No?

Especially if you wear business attire or business casual in Australia, you'll find that ties are no longer a relevant style when conducting your business. Lucky for you I have the perfect example that illustrates this point.

My brother was talking about an industry conference he had to attend and the fact that his boss said to his team that every should be throwing on their jackets and ties. As I'm a tie wearer I asked him why he doesn't wear ties into the office to show off your personality, only to get a response of "No one my age (28) wear ties, if I want to show off my personality in the office I'll wear my happy socks.

Today I will be discussing the fight between my brother (socks) and I (ties) and yes this is a brotherly fight with two men in their 20's.

For Ties!

Now as a 21 year old with a fairly large tie collection already for both uni and work, I'm confident to say I am the outlier. So you're probably asking yourself why do you wear ties when no a lot of people do? Well the simple answer is, a quote that my boss told my during my first internship told me to dress for the job I want not the job I have. Also as a younger man trying to penetrate the job market as a soon to be uni graduate, I know that I'll need a trait that will set me aside from the rest of them.

Needless to say a tie definitely goes a long way to giving you the image as a professional. For those who are also budget trackers, you will more than likely find that you can afford 1 suit and for some of you that's all you need. You'll find that once you have a few ties with different colours and patterns in your wardrobe that you can make multiple outfits out of one suit. If you're the creative that likes to create their outfits, a tie may be your style.

For Socks

Now as much as I hate to make an argument for my brother I will be the bigger man and go on and explain why the sock game may be better suited for you

It goes without saying that socks aren't as large as an eye drawer than ties, but I will tip my hat to socks they can definitely add a poppy look to your suit. now the only rule I can make with wearing happy socks with your suits is that you should probably only wear them when you are in the office and not meeting with clients. Sometimes the colour or pattern of your socks can send the wrong message to your clients or for your business.

As far as colour picking I'll leave that up to you, I would recommend that you maybe try to find your company colours in a pair of socks. It'll get some smiles along with not looking like a banker.

Who do you think one? socks or tie? feel free to leave a comment or picture bellow and let us know how you think you can pull this off.

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